Tuesday, May 19, 2009

¿Dónde te gustaría despertar mañana?

I found this video on the web. It's great. I put some comments after it... but I think you should see the video before. Also, if you like this one, go to their site on Vimeo (click here) and see the others (London, New Orleans...). It's fantastic. Where would you like to wake up tomorrow?

It's so nice to see people's answers. What is amazing is the capacity of taking the question to your own dreams... Some persons simply answer "my bed", because it's true, it's home, it's safe, and it's a very good answer. Some others answer a place in the world, a place they have seen in films, a place they want to discover. Others relate it to a person, the room of my boyfriend, the house of my partner, the place does not matter, it's the people you are with. And some others travel in time, simply thinking out the box, what a nice state of mind: a place they create themselves (drawers you open and surprises come up from there), the best place possible (Paradise). Or again, a place with someone, with your dead father, that died in Queens because he was shot. Oh, what a video, what a story. A travel to people's mind. Absolutely great. 

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